
Conversations: Tennison S. Black and James Morehead

“What does the act of committing your memories to a poem do to the memories themselves?”

Conversations: Nicole Callihan and Anna V. Q. Ross

“The intimacy, yes. The kinship. Here is my poem; here is my mind.”

Conversations: Matt Mauch and Mary Pacifico Curtis

“There is a strong and rising current of literary hybridity… a collective response by today’s artists to our times.”

Conversations: Allison Wyss and A.L. Rowser

“When you change your body in any way, I think it often becomes more you.”

Conversations: Xu Xi and James Sherry

Two authors discuss transnationalism, climate change, transformation, and more.

Conversations: Carolyne Wright and Judith Baumel

Two authors discuss the varied landscapes of their work and lives.

Conversations: Bitan Chakraborty and Kiriti Sengupta

“Every detail is credible, anchored in the mundane reality of city-dwellers in urban metropolises in contemporary India. [Bitan] Chakraborty is not a fantasist or fabulist; reality is an unvarying constant…

Photos of Tina Cane and Nick Courtright

Conversations: Tina Cane and Nick Courtright

Put simply: Humor Saves. I am a fan of humor as a survival mechanism, an ice-breaker, a rhetorical device, and vice.

Conversations: Olga Livshin, Dzvinia Orlowsky, and Ali Kinsella

Ukrainian culture has flown through my life like a creek among several waterways.